Staying Current, Giving Back

Professional Networking


We focus on facilitating meaningful relationships between colleagues and partners we trust, like and are sure would benefit from meeting each other. We are always looking to connect with successful driven individuals, who -- like us -- are straightforward, practical, committed to excellence and fun to work with.



We’ll make referrals to business partners who we know “get it” and who we can vouch for their approach and results. They have to pass the “Barry Test” on a prior engagement or via a highly qualified referral.  In addition, we regularly setup breakfasts, lunches (notice a trend?) and conference calls with like minded people to share ideas and frustrations.  We also believe in karma -- and don’t seek to be compensated for every referral we share.

Community Service


Our staff -- and those we partner with -- are committed to volunteering and giving back to our local and professional community. Our business is rooted in the service of helping others and our work in the community similarly comes from the want to give back outside of the workplace as well.

Writing and Speaking Engagements

We aim to provide a steady stream of thoughts, insight, and data on topical information our subscribers and friends of the company want to read about. We release a monthly digest summarizing the posts to the @theDailyCIO twitter feed -- a feed of quick commentary on technical trends impacting CIO’s both today and in the future.  Multiple times a year we write blog posts and white papers on industry and job trends providing interesting, timely, and actionable commentary.  Finally, we strive to speak at relevant industry events.