StartFinder, StartFinder IT and the Planet Earth 2013 Year in Review

2013 was another solid year of learning, growing and doing pretty good work for StartFinder and StartFinder IT.  We stuck with our goals of “grow slow” and “one client at a time” and within my IT group we really built upon our “Strategize | Solve | Staff | Share” foundation for clients.

IT Staffing: Topgrading 101

Recently, Marissa Meyer of Yahoo! has taken some heat for aggressively enforcing her system designed to weed out poor performers (the “forced quotas” of certain categories is receiving much of the ire). Microsoft has also received it’s fair share of bad press about “stack ranking.” While I am not in favor of forced ranking systems (kill off the weakest 10%) I am certainly in favor of a systematic approach forcing managers to evaluate their talent and build great teams.